Hilary’s Story

Hilary Grace White was like any other young woman living in Buffalo, New York.

Her brother, Benjamin White, was quoted in a recent news article saying “[Hilary] was like any 20-something year old woman in Western New York.  She was driven, smart and on the outside polished and put together”.

She was attending graduate school and maintaining high grades all while working full-time. She was a beautiful person who loved animals, The Beatles, the Buffalo Bills, Disney and was a caring and devoted friend, cousin, niece, sister and daughter.

She wasn’t what many people would characterize as an addict. 

Unfortunately, what we all saw on the outside was only a mask for the struggle she was dealing with on the inside; opiate addiction.

Hilary Grace White lost her battle with addiction at age 27.

Like many others, her relentless addiction began with prescription pills. 

Originally prescribed medication for her anxiety, Hilary spiraled downward as she had what is commonly known as an “addictive brain”. 

She fought her disease as hard as she could. 

On numerous occasions, Hilary went to in-patient and out-patient rehabilitation facilities, spent countless hours at group meetings, and lived in reintegration housing. 

Unfortunately, this disease was stronger than she, and after ten months of being sober, she relapsed, which resulted in her death.

On August 24, 2017, Dr. Thomas G. White and Sandra B. White lost their daughter.  Their lives were changed forever. 

As Hilary’s parents, they vowed to be her voice to fight this national crisis that killed over 75,000 lives across our country this past year. This epidemic has resulted in more deaths than all that served in the Vietnam War!

She fought a hard battle, but like many others seeking help there are not enough public or private resources available. Our foundation was formed to help fill that gap and make a difference helping those seeking treatment.

For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see -
there will be an answer,
let it be..."

Let It Be - The Beatles; Hilary's Favorite Song
Hilary Grace White